What is Culture really about?

The himba tribe is a very small tribe in Africa. This means that the appears of subcutures are very low. This is way the only subcultures that can be mentioned are:

-EANDA GROUP: This is the group of the women in the tribe. This group is not all the time together.

-ORUZO GROUP: This is the group of the men in the tribe.

-PEOPLE WHO RECEIVED ACADEMIC EDUCATION: this is the few people who was allowed to go to a school. 

Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory is a framework for cross-cultural communication, developed by Geert Hofstede. It describes the effects of a society's culture on the valuesof its members, and how these values relate to behavior, using a structure derived from factor analysis. This categories are: Power Distance Index (PDI), Indivudualism Versus Collectivism (IDV), Masculinity versus Feminity (MAS), Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), Long Term Orientation versus Shrot Term Orientation (LTO) and Indulgence versus Restaint (IND).

PDI: It referes to the degree of acceptance of the less poweful members of a culture. In Himba Culture is factor is hight. 

IDV: Defines the level at which individuals are integrated into society and the feeling of belonging to the group. Himba tribe is more collective than individualist. 

MAS: This indicator defines the tendency of a culture towards patterns of behavior with greater masculinity or femininity. In Himba culture there is a more masculinity factor.

UAI: The UAI deals with society's acceptance of uncertainty and ambiguity in the face of an absolute truth, that is, it explains how they feel when handling unknown situations. In Himba Culture this fact is not so strong, they have a normal point of view in unknown situations.

LTO: The long-term orientation points to societies with a propensity to save and persevere. Himba culture do not have this characteristic. This is they do not think about better ways of doing something. Their biggest ambition is to let things in the way they always have been.


In this grahp are the characteristics in three different countries. Unfortunatelly, there is no data for Himba tribe in this web side, so it was replace by Nabimia. It can be see that Nabimia shares some characteristics with Mexican culture and others with the american culture. Nevertheless, the results of nabimia are not the same from the himba culture. This means that it can not be said that the purple information can be taken for Himba culture. Himba Culture is more like the amercian one. 

This model explains three differnets types of cultures: multi-active, linear-active and reactive. The first ones are characterized for being people able to do a lot of thigs at the same time. Linear-active are known for be able to do things according to a previous plan. Reactive are the listener culture and try all the time to listen and the talk. 

Knowing these characteristics it can be infered that the Himba Culture is a mixture of linear and multi-active culture. Himba people are characterized for being very specific in the way they do things, but they have to be open to changes so this makes that they start to be a little bit open to changes.


The idea of culture as an iceberg reminds us that only a smaller proportion of cultural aspects are more ‘visible’ and therefore more obvious than many other facets of culture which, while far less tangible and visible, are just as essential to our understanding of how cultures work. In fact, the sub-surface aspects shown above will directly influence those on the ‘tip’ of the iceberg. For example, religious beliefs influence holiday customs and notions of beauty influence the arts. 

We can analyze the Himba Culture with this theory.

As we were saying culture is not only one thing. It is a complex system of characteristics that each group of people have. Here there are two diferrent graphs that can ilustraite what culture involves.


Culture can be define as shared beliefs, norms and attides. Also it is the integreated system of learned behavior patterns that are characteristic of the members of any given society. In simpler words, Culture is everything that identify people. Culture is related to the kind of music you hear, the kind of clothes you wear. In a easy way to remember it...


The origin of this culture comes from the mixture of the indigenous cultures of the Caribbean Region with the European and African cultes upon the arrival of the Spaniards in America.

During the whole year, cultural activities take place in Barranquilla. The most representative activity is the Barranquilla Carnival, one of the most popular festivals in Colombia. Barranquilla also has a lot of writters that represent their caribbian culture.

Barranquilla has a lot of music genre and its considered one of the most joyful cities in the country. The Festival of Orchestas of the Carnival of Baranquilla, take place on Monday of Carnival. It is a musical competiton in which the most important national and international orchestas take part in different categories and musical rhythms such as floklore, salsa, merengue and vallenato. The winnung orchestas receive the legendary and coveted "Congo de Oro"

This himba culture is located in Namibia and it is really far from the common peple. Himba's people do not like western people and that is the reason they live so apart.

It is about the few African tribes that still maintain their culture as they used to. They live basically from livestock. In fact, for the Himba man, his cows are the most important things in his life. They are a symbol of status and identity.

They use the reddish butter to store in cream perfumes that they make themselves. It is the way to neutralize body odors. It should be noted that the Himba never bathe with water, with which personal hygine is reduced only to this.

Although most of the Himba live in their huts maintaining their ancestral traditions, there is a glimpse of evolution in their history. Normally there are three or four nearby villages between which there is communication. Each one of them has his "king" and his "queen". Of all the children of these tribes, about four or five receive the opportunity to study at school with the rest of the children not belonging to this type of tribes. They are given the option to train. Some of them even go to study a career.

Let's see this video now about Himba language